Question: can you get fat by not eating enough calories and fat, if so how does this work ?

  1. No, I don’t think you can get fat by not eating enough calories. I think about how much you weigh as a balance between “calories in” and “calories out”.

    If the calories you take in by eating are MORE than the calories you put out through exercise then you will gain weight.

    If the calories you take in by eating are LESS than the calories you put out through exercise then you will lose weight.

    But, like most things, it’s best to balance what goes in with what goes out.


  2. No you can’t get fat by not eating enough calories. The simplest way to think about this is that we take calories in in our food and our body uses them up to keep us alive and to exercise. If you eat more calories than your body uses it will store them and you gain weight. If you use more calories than you eat you body will use the stored calories and you will loose weight.

    If you are not eating enough you will loose weight not gain it, and if you loose too much you will get very sick.

