Question: Would replacing your pancreaswith a potato be considered dangerous?

  1. Replacing any organ with an inanimate object, particularly a vegetable, is often fatal.


  2. Why would you do this?

    Even if you can live without a pancreas, having a potato in side you would not be good.


  3. Your pancreas makes substances that help you digest food and take up nutrients, like insulin and digestive enzymes. A potato also has enzymes, like catalase which breaks down hydrogen peroxide (bleach) but that’s not very useful for digestion.

    The only place I would replace a pancreas with a potato would be in my stew.


  4. Living without a pancreas wouldn’t be a lot of fun! Having a spud in it’s place couldn’t make things much better…


  5. Probably not a good idea and very dangerous. You need your pancreas to help you digest food and take up nutrients. Replacing it with an inanimate object like a potato would inhibit the body’s ability to take up nutrients. Plus, your body would react to the potato and the immune system would recognise it as a foreign object and try to kill it.



  1. it works fine for me
