Question: What is the meaning of life?

  1. To make yourself happy, make the people around you happy, and to have a positive impact on the world!


  2. I don’t know if there is a meaning to life as such, I think we just have to try to live a happy and fulfilling life. You want to look back and be happy at the end of it! Be happy, be good to people and do your bit to make the world a better place!


  3. This is a tricky question.

    From a biological point of view, sex is the meaning of life. Every organism on the planet has evolved to give it the best chance of making more organisms like it and reproduction is central to every organisms life. Some people even argue that all of mankind’s achievements are just ways to further our survival and changes of breeding.

    That seems a bit mechanical to me, humans are the most evolved organism on the planet and our intellect has allowed us to consider and achieve many things beyond, and in some cases to the exclusion of, reproducing.

    The meaning of my life is to enjoy life and live without regret, help others to do the same and have a positive impact.



  1. to live 🙂
