Question: Do you think you will accomplish your goal of Malaria getting eradicated in the next 50 years?

  1. I really hope so. Eradictating malaria is a big goal, it will need long term, world wide co-operation, but I do think it’s possible. And we’ve already made progress. The number of deaths from malaria is dropping each year, and this is mostly due to more people having bed nets to sleep under and stop them getting bitten by the mosquitos that carry malaria. A simple solution but one that is working. (more info on bed nets here –

    So far small pox is the only disease to be eradicated, but we are really close to getting rid of polio and measles. This gives me hope that malaria might be next. The one thing that is missing is a malaria vaccine. Small pox, polio and measles can all be prevented by vaccines, and vaccination is a big part of eradication efforts. So if we can make a malaria vaccine that works, combine that with bed nets and drugs to treat malaria, I think we will be able to eliminate malaria.



  1. cool. i hope you are able to find a vaccine for malaria. would help so many people!


  2. Thanks tradie! Me too!
